Contact This Branch
For more information on AAUW Houston, contact Margo Johnson, or Debbie Campbell. Houston Branch is now inactive. Please contact us or join one of the other Houston-area AAUW branches, large ones like West Harris County and North Harris County or smaller ones like Fort Bend County and Southeast Harris County.

AAUW Texas completed the Ann Richards fellowship at the April 2018 Convention, WITH the generous help of HOUSTON BRANCH
Run Like a Girl

Image citation:Photo via By Duell, Sloan & Pearce Public Domain/Wikimedia Commons
Women have been running for president of the United States since 1872 — before women even had the right to vote.
In 2016, two high-profile women entered the race, and Hillary Clinton became the first female presidential nominee of a major political party.
Here are some of the women who have tried to crack the ultimate glass ceiling.

Houston area AAUW Members (l-r) Margie Poole, Margo Johnson, Debbie Campbell, Anouk Boon, Marie Helmy, Karen North (holding “Teddy”) at Tiny Boxwoods to bid a fond farewell to Anouk.

AAUW members Margo Johnson, Janet Richardson, Terry Whaley, and Helen Wang pause for a photo at the January Interbranch luncheon.